Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2013/35-36 Coming Out of the Fog

Yesterday passed just like the weekend, too quickly. Before I knew it, it was evening and I had nothing to really show for it, but a dozen reports for work that are due at the end of the week.

It was Brie's first day of school. Spring semester has finally officially begun which hopefully means no more late nights and more evenings like this. What is it about the college years that makes all kids turn into vampires. I admit, I was no different.

It was only by the grace of God that I arose in time to head out to the office this morning. I awoke at 2:14am after a tossing and turning most of the night. Then again around 4ish. A short time later, I took another look at the clock to see how much time I had left. I was taken by surprise when the time showed 5am.

The work day wasn't much different than any other so far this year. So much so that I didn't leave for lunch until right before noon. I know it's silly but I hate going to lunch at noon. I'd rather go early and avoid the crowds. I wasn't able to get my writing in as I had hoped either.

The day was grey, but not gloomy if that makes any sense, and most of all cold. Really cold. Okay, cold for Southern California cold. On the way home, I was looking for a break in the sky, some blue and gold coming through the clouds, but they were too dense this evening.

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