Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursdays are the Hardest

Thursday's are the hardest for me. By the end of the day, I'm tired from getting up so early, even if it's only twice a week. This week is was three times and I can feel it. Doesn't help that I keep going to bed so late.

I was trying to finish up a project for my boss today so I worked through lunch. I brought a sandwich with me so around 1:30ish I was close to finish and rewarded myself with a quick coffee. It was so good to get out of the office, even if it was just for 15 minutes. When I come in so early, I need to take a break or else I feel like I've been in a cave all day.

As I was out, I saw a small engine plane coming in for a landing. It seemed to be a busy day for planes coming in.

Although I am excited about the move to the new office, I was sad that I would miss the sight of the planes coming in for the landing.

I was tired and hungry so I texted Brie, asking her if she wanted go to Frisco's for dinner. "Yea!", she texted back.

Made the mistake of eating ALL of my chicken sandwich when I normally eat half and most of my fries. It was just so darn tasty. Even now I'm still regretting it. I must never ever do that again.

Once again, the curtains caught my eye.

 I loved how I could see the yellow of the sun peeking through. I had to go outside and see the whole thing.

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